To Achieve… To Succeeed…

Millionaire Money Habits

October 23rd, 2007 at 5:30 pm

10 Ways to Becoming a Millionaire

Want to be a millionaire? All it takes is a bit of discipline and some patience. Here are some tips to get started today:

  1. Reduce consumption and increase investments.
  2. Create and stick to a budget.
  3. Increase your financial IQ.
  4. Make contributions into investment vehicles on a consistent basis.
  5. Start a part-time business to increase income and take advantage of tax write-offs.
  6. Surround yourself with like-minded people who believe and support your goals.
  7. Find great CPAs and other trusted advisors.
  8. Set short-term and long-term goals.
  9. Make a commitment to become a millionaire.
  10. Start now. Time is your friend when it comes to investing.
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  • David L Alexis
    4:47 pm on June 7th, 2009 1

    I need tostart some thing to make money, please help me out I have the minimum cash to start. Real estate fails me, but I know I can start over again, helpppppppppp

  • hydrone
    10:32 am on September 6th, 2009 2

    I think the most thing is patience.

  • Benny
    1:15 pm on March 14th, 2010 3

    Just want to say that the kid or teen millionaries didnot just put up a website and become rich, they have to know alot about website design and how to get them published on the internet or someone to help them, the whole story is never told online. Its not that easy.


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