Monthly Archives: December 2007
9 Small Ways to Save Big in 2008
Here are 9 small ways to save more money this year: Quit costly habits: Smoking a pack a day costs over $1,600 a year. That’s not including the cost of dental work, general health, laundry service and replacement costs for cigarette burns. A Starbucks addiction can cost you around the same. Consolidate bills: By finding
30 Days to Millionaire Money Habits
In addition to the discipline and willpower needed to become a millionaire, what may really be needed in order to achieve your long-term wealth accumulation goals is to develop a Millionaire Mindset. Webster’s Dictionary defines a habit as, “An acquired mode of behavior that has become nearly or completely involuntary.” It takes more or less
Being Frugal Sure is Costly
First off, I would like to apologize for the unavailability of this site for the past 12 hours. Traffic on this website picked up quite a bit, and as a result it reached its bandwidth quota. So that’s the good news. Things are better than expected and we’re back! The downtime could have been avoided