Here is a list of some of the best personal finance articles from around the web. To kick start your week, spend some time digging through the links below to improve your financial literacy.
To Achieve… To Succeeed…
Millionaire Money Habits
Currently browsing posts found in January2008
Recommended Readings for 1/13/08
The Results Are In!
Winners of the most traffic, comment counts and random subscriber contest will receive a free copy of The Rules of Money.
The Power of Compound Interest
Compound interest is a concept that anyone who wants to understand investing and accumulating wealth must grasp. It is so important that Albert Einstein reportedly referred to compound interest as the eighth wonder of the world and the most powerful force in the universe.
What Makes Compound Interest so Important?
In simplest terms, compound interest means you [...]
9 Ways to Make an Extra $100 a Month
Boosting your income just a little bit can go a long way. A 20-year-old, for example, who invests that $100 every month in a plain fund that tracks the S&P 500 will retire a millionaire. Here are 9 ways to generate an extra $100 a month.
Join an Affiliate Program: An affiliate program can offers great [...]
Contest Reminder
This is a quick reminder about this week’s contest (link) to win a free copy of The Rules of Money. The contest ends on Friday at midnight. Will you be the winner?
One winner will be selected from the following categories:
Most Traffic: The website that sends the most visitors to Millionaire [...]
Free Budgeting Tools to Download
Creating and sticking to a budget is one of the key ingredients to building wealth. In order to set aside enough money each month to invest and reach your financial goals, you need to understand your cash flow - or your income and expenses.
By creating and analyzing a personal income statement you can find inefficiencies [...]
Take Control of Your Retirement Fund
There’s nothing exhilarating about a retirement plan. You simply pick a few mutual funds when you open the account and deposit some money to be spread across your picks every month. Every six months or so you may review your statements, see how you are doing, maybe rebalance a few things, but mostly just keep [...]
Free Copy of The Rules of Money
I will be out of town for the next week and a half with little access to a computer, but there are some great scheduled to publish the week ahead.
To keep things interesting, I am hosting a contest from now until midnight CST on Friday, Jan. 11th. The winners will receive a copy of Templar, [...]
A Different Way to Approach Goal Setting
When we discussed setting Financials Goals for the New Year, we talked about the different types of goals and how to set them.
I recently heard a news broadcaster who was interviewing people about their goals for the New Year. What was interesting was how she approached the question. Instead of asking the typical, “What is [...]