There are a lot of services that provide tax advice or tax preparation. It’s highly recommended to seek the advice and consultation of a tax advisor, but if you do not have many complicated investments or tax deductions, using an online e-Filing tax software program would be an appropriate and inexpensive way to file your [...]
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Millionaire Money Habits
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How to Maximize Your Tax Return
Recommended Readings for 2/10/08 - The Huge Edition
Here is this week’s huge list of some of the best personal finance articles from around the web. There was just too much good advice published to not include any of these great articles.
To kick start your week, spend some time digging through the Millionaire Money Habits archives and the links below to improve your [...]
How Will You Spend Your Tax Rebate?
Tax rebate checks should be reaching your mailbox soon. Here’s how much to expect are suggestions on how to spend the money.
8 Habits of Millionaires
In order to become a millionaire, you need to develop the habits of millionaires. Here’s a list of the characteristics and habits that are common among self-made millionaires
What Loans Can I Get to Invest?
Getting a loan or using your credit card to invest can make you a lot of money. Here are the risks and your options.
Recommended Readings for 2/3/08
a list of some of the best personal finance articles from around the web.
Riding the Stock Market Roller Coaster - How I’m Playing the Market
Is checking your stock portfolio making you nauseous? The Dow Jones Industrial Average is up 100 points one day, down 300 the next, down again, up a bit, down, down, down. Sounds like the last six months, doesn’t it? My brokerage account is showing shades of red I didn’t know existed, and I want to [...]