Here is a list of some of the best personal finance articles from my favorite personal finance websites. To kick start your week, spend some time digging through the Millionaire Money Habits archives and the links below to improve your financial literacy and increase your net worth.
Spotlight: Silicon Valley Blogger tells us How To Invest [...]
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Millionaire Money Habits
Currently browsing posts found in April2008
Recommended Readings for 4-13-08
What if the Fed Cuts to 0: The Zero-Interest-Rate Policy
In Fed Rate Cut, Bad News for Savers we discussed how the Federal Reserve’s interest rate cuts affects all Americans, but what happens if they keep cutting interest rates all the way to 0% (a.k.a. zero interest rate bound)?
Just since last September, Ben Bernanke and the Federal Reserve have cut the short-term interest rate from [...]
Should I Use a 401k Debit Card?
When Jeremy at Generation X Finance wrote The 401k Debit Card: Probably One of the Worst Ideas Ever, I couldn’t have agreed with him more.
What is the 401k Debit Card?
Obtaining a loan against your 401k is nothing new, but in the past it was a bit more difficult and the repayment terms were stricter. Now [...]
How Much I Make in Cash Back Credit Card Rewards
A lot of people claim that credit cards are bad, but I want to share with you what I make in cash back rewards from using credit cards.
This is one of my favorite times of the year. For the past five years, I’ve logged into my American Express account in March to pay my bill [...]
Recommended Readings for 4-6-08
Here is a list of some of the best personal finance articles from my favorite personal finance websites. To kick start your week, spend some time digging through the Millionaire Money Habits archives and the links below to improve your financial literacy and increase your net worth.
Spotlight: Jim at Blueprint for Financial Prosperity tells us [...]
Biggest Financial Mistake Results
Thank you to those you participated in the Biggest Money Mistake Contest. Just because the contest is over, don’t let that stop you from sharing your story with us.
Congratulations to Ana at DebtFREE-Revolution for driving the most traffic to this contest, and a special thank you to the runner-ups, Moolanomy and Paid Twice.
The winning entry [...]
Did You Get Your Tax Return? 5 Common Tax Mistakes
It’s the first of April and if you haven’t filed your taxes yet this year, here is a quick checklist to make sure you’re not making some of these common errors. One small mistake on your tax file can end up costing you money. Either you could get fined for the error, or you can [...]
The Real Life Money Tree
Imagine that you recently received a rare seed for a money tree. This seed, if nurtured correctly, will begin producing a million dollars a year when it reaches 5-years of age. As it matures and the $20 and $50 bills are ripe for the picking, your money tree can be sold for tens of millions [...]