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Millionaire Money Habits

February 1st, 2009 at 12:33 pm

3 Quick Money Making Ideas

We all live busy lives, but think about the amount of time you spend that could be channeled for some quick money making. In some cases you don’t even have to give up your TV time when you work on the couch. If you just put the Wii controller down for an hour a day, you could produce a healthy, passive income.

Here are 3 Quick Money Making Ideas


  1. Make $3,000 From Home a Week: GoFreelancer will hook you up with jobs you can do from home. Everything from posting on discussion boards to writing blog content for travel magazines and recipe websites. If you can spell, type and have a computer, this is a quick money making method that will get you cash in hand.

  3. Become a Virtual Assistant: Search Craigslist and you’ll probably find hundreds of posts for both people advertising their virtual assistant service and business people seeking personal assistants. More and more companies are saving money by downsizing their offices and outsourcing more of their work. As a virtual assistant you can return phone calls, answer emails and manage other requests for your client from home.

  5. Clean Out the Garage: Probably the most popular quick money making idea is to sell your stuff. You’d be surprised how valuable the things collecting dust are to other people. Just because it is old, broken or worthless to you does not mean it isn’t valuable. The only problem with selling your items on eBay in order to make money is that eventually you don’t have anything left to sell. But at least you’ll have the experience and reputation to be able to source your own items and build a small part-time business.
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  • Steve SEO UK
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  1. Work At Home - Money Making Ideas :


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