Category Archives: Recommended Readings
5 Common Home Mortgage Shopping Mistakes to Avoid
You might think that getting approved for a home mortgage loan is as simple as walking into your bank and walking out with a guarantee for the funds you need to purchase a home. But there’s a little more to it, especially since irresponsible mortgage lending practices played a major role in the recession and
Best Books for Aspiring Millionaires
America has traditionally been the land of opportunity, the one country on earth where a person can be born to abject poverty and still dream of a day when he’ll be wealthy. Anything is possible, given enough time, desire and a bit of good luck. And in 2012, there are more millionaires than at any
Top Money-Saving Websites
If you’re looking to save money, look no further. Here is a list of websites that will offer you free financial advice, money-saving tips, and even discounts on certain items. Of course, this is only a fraction of what is available, but this list will give you a good start. An obvious one is
Interesting Personal Finance Blog Posts: 6-29-08
Spotlight: The Dough Roller put together a nice video post, which shares his mutual fund strategy during sharp declines in the stock market. Read How to Invest in Mutual Funds You’ll Keep During a Falling Market. Saving Money: 9 Ways to Save without Breaking a Sweat at brip blap 11 Fun and Frugal Summer Activities